Envy, self-doubt, Inhibition all the ingredients to make a Woman shamer.
No matter what any woman says they have once been guilty of being a women shamer, its very likely they will say they haven't but they probably don't even realise they are doing it. Im not about to start criticising the female race because for one I am a lady myself but we do it so much that it just becomes second nature to us all and heres how we do it. " If i was her, I would definitely not wear that dress, she looks so slutty not being mean tho" most of us would not think twice about expressing that kind of opinion, to fellow friends or family but if the person you are talking about was to find out, it could lower there confidence and self esteem.

Back in the early 20th century groups such as the suffragettes used to empower each other and allowed men to recognise there intelligence also. But it seems that in this day and age the women within society never think twice about slandering another persons name or judging another on their weight,height,fashion sense, intelligence, religion, ethnicity and beliefs.
One of the most famous spats within the public eye between women , is that of Katie Hopkins and Lily Allen. Today it seems that celebrities and most of the general public use social media as a platform to name and shame and none more so than that of Katie. Back in 2014 Katie took to twitter to write some unprovoked tweets, about the British singers weight after giving birth. Although Katie is a columnist surely there is better things the world needs to know more than a celebrities weight gain?. Why did she feel the need to talk about such an intimate subject in which I'm sure Lily was aware of on twitter. The answer is, well, Katie probably saw no harm in expressing her thoughts and feelings on social media because everyone else does it on a daily basis so why can't she?. Its because she is in the public eye thats why she gets condemned for her actions.
So referring back to the title of this blogpost, are Envy, self-doubt and inhibition all ingredients that make a top class women shamer? Well yes, they are. You may think that a girl is a 'slut' or an 'attention seeker' because she has a lot of Instagram followers, but it is just the insecure and self conscious person inside of us that is telling us we should be jealous of that girl. It seems that the only way us women deal with jealousy is to speak ill of the person we are jealous of in order to make us feel better about ourselves.

Now, don't worry if that sounds familiar because WE ALL DO IT!. It is a habit that has grown up with us and sadly doesn't subside.You may be now thinking to yourself "oh no I would never do that" but you may shame another lady in a different way. But if you can take anything away from this blog post I hope that the next time your about to put shame onto another female think of something positive to say instead and I can assure you that you will feel 10x better because of it.